Fiona offers a very gentle and traditional style of Acupuncture which aims to promote balance of body, mind and soul and has the ability to treat a wide variety of health conditions. Our treatments are individually tailored and holistic, administered in a calm, nurturing and supportive environment. Acupuncture points are chosen according to your specific diagnosis. Once the needles are in, most of our patients feel a sense of deep relaxation & even sleepiness!
Fiona utilised a range of massage and bodywork techniques on her sessions. Tui Na massage originated in ancient China and is believed to be the oldest system of bodywork. Tuina massage stimulates the flow of qi to promote balance and harmony within the body using many of the same principles of acupuncture. As well as this, Fiona utilises targeted myofacial release techniques to help alleviate pain and discomfort for patients with painful conditions.
Ai Ye is an herb used to warm and stimulate acupuncture points through a process called moxibustion. It improves circulation to relieve pain, boosts energy, and is used to warm the uterus to treat some types of infertility. We even use it to encourage breech babies to turn.
Gua Sha
Gua sha is a natural, alternative therapy that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve your circulation. This ancient Chinese healing technique may offer a unique approach to better health, addressing issues like chronic pain. Gua Sha improves local circulation and breaks up scar tissue or adhesions in the muscles and connective tissue. It is also a great adjunctive technique for treating respiratory conditions.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbal Formulas are a safe and natural treatment adjunct for many common health conditions. Chinese herbal formulas are prescribed according to your individual symptoms as well as your constitutional diagnosis. Nourishing & harmonizing, each herbal formula is uniquely tailored to address your internal landscape.